DIY Killer Strawberries

“What’s your favorite scary fruit?”

* In my Ghostface voice *

1… 2… Spooky treats are coming for you! See what I did there?

Every year for my son’s birthday, he requests his favorite meal for dinner. This year, when I asked him what meal I would be preparing he said “tacos!”… and chocolate covered strawberries. What an interesting combo! Well, me being me, I could not just make any old regular strawberries. THERE HAS TO BE A THEME! With all of the stores quickly filling up with Halloween decor (even though it’s still technically summer) I got the awesome idea of creating these horror themed strawberries for my little scary movie fanatic. Although I’ve made chocolate covered strawberries before, I’ve never decorated them to this extent. I was super up to the challenge and it turned out to be a very fun project to take on. Whether it be for Halloween or just a gift for your own spooky loved one, here’s a step-by-step guide for making them on your own!

For the gift box, you’ll need:

Step one

First, I started by spray painting my coffin-shaped gift box matte black. The craft boxes that I found on Amazon actually came in a pack of three (small, medium and large). I went ahead an spray painted all of them because I decided to gift my son a series of spooky gifts. But, if you’re only doing strawberries I would suggest using the small or medium box (depending on how many you’re going to make). I used the medium-sized box to accommodate four berries.

Step two

Next, I simply added black crinkle paper into each of the boxes. In order to fill all three of them, I used all of the 8oz. Also, feel free to use whatever color crinkle paper you’d like.

For the strawberries, I used:

Step three

Now comes the fun part! Decorating the strawberries. For this project, I decided to use the likeness of Ghostface, Freddy Kreuger, Jason Voorhees and Child’s Play villain Chucky. Although, I did reference a few pictures that I found on the internet, this Youtube video proved to be most helpful.

Watch at your own (yummy) risk…

Check me out!

Step four

For one of the final steps, I assembled the strawberries inside of the medium box. If you’re only gifting strawberries, slap a bow on it and call it a day! Since I decided to utilize all three coffins, I chose to put a “Spooky Boy” T-shirt from Baby Teith in the smallest and the “Halloween Slasher Bath Bomb Set” from the Etsy shop Prism Bath Co. in the larger one.

Step five

TIME TO EAT!!! Whether it’s a horror-themed gift or a fun Halloween project, I hope that you enjoy these delectable treats as much as my little monster did!


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